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Find Cross-Country Ski Sites in Cook County

Cross-country skiing is fast becoming the most popular winter pastime in the Forest Preserves of Cook County. 

Cross-country skiing is allowed in all areas of the forest preserves (except golf courses and most nature centers), from 8 a.m. to sunset. All recognized trails are open for skiing, weather permitting. View the trail map above or by visiting the forest preserve's website

In addition, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center offers a complete Nordic Ski Program, including lessons for all ability levels, nature ski tours, school group programs, and ski rentals.

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Rental equipment available 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with returns by 3:45 p.m., and is for use only on Sagawau trails. A valid driver’s license or $100.00 deposit is required. All prices subject to change without notice.

The cost is as follows: 

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REGULAR: $15 per person (includes: skis, poles, boots)

SENIOR (age 55): $10

FAMILY: $40.00

GROUP (10 or more, Mon. – Fr. only): $5 per person

LESSON: $20 per person

LESSON/RENTAL COMBO: $30 per person

Rules of the Trail:

Following these rules for cross-country conduct will make your skiing safer and more fun.

  • RESPECT OTHERS: Ski so that you don’t endanger or offend others.
  • SKI RIGHT: Ski the right-hand track. Groups should ski single file on the right side of the trail.
  • MEETING: Keep to the right when meeting. On hills, downhill skiers have the right of way.
  • POLES IN: Keep your poles close to your body when near other skiers.
  • KEEP TRAILS CLEAR: If you stop, get out of the track. If you fall, get up and out of the track quickly.
  • WATCH YOUR SPEED: Suit your skiing speed to your personal ability, the terrain, visibility especially on hills. Keep a safe distance from skiers ahead. As a last resort, fall intention-ally to avoid a collision.
  • DON’T LITTER: Don’t carry in what you cannot carry out. Carrying litter is easy — it’s light.
Source: Cook County Forest Preserve

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